I’m better – What a coincidence!

Posted on August 8, 2007. Filed under: EFT, Health |

A lot of times, while practicing my favorite energy therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques, a major issue will be resolved. I will see a new way of looking at things, or something that has bothered me for a long time suddenly just…doesn’t.

I’ll tell someone that I found the perfect idea for my next blog post, or that muscle pain I’d had for days is gone. And all this happened soon after I’d spent some time tapping on my meridian points while keeping my attention on the frustration, or block, that had kept me from seeing the way out of my difficulty.

What a coincidence! Yes indeed. Those of us who practice this technique with clients note that the changes can be subtle. We don’t always get brilliant high-impact revelations. We’ll just tend to notice, over a little bit of time, that something that really used to bug them doesn’t anymore, or even more subtly, they don’t remember what had “bugged them” to begin with! It’s easier for me to see this phenomenon in a client’s life that in my own.

When I do this work on myself, I may not notice the changes until I find myself exclaiming: “What a coincidence!” This makes me laugh, and notice, and appreciate.

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